The Diplomat’s Daughter

The Diplomat’s Daughter

Tenabe, Karin. Washington Square Press, 2017. Set partially in the Crystal City, Texas Internment Camp, this novel follows the romance of Emi Kato, a Japanese diplomat's daughter, and Christian Lange, a young German from Wisconsin, during their internment and...

New documentary on WWII internment airs

“Camp of the Innocents,” published May 24, 2017 on YouTube, is a documentary film about the Camp Algiers Alien Detention Station in Louisiana (near New Orleans), the Latin American civilians housed there, and the WW II Enemy Alien Control Program. Linked with...

Ellis Island inspection reports on online

Three inspection reports by the International Committee of the Red Cross delegates describe facilities and chronicle life in internment on Ellis Island during 1943-1946. (The last internees, of German ethnicity, were released in 1948.) Although the National Park...