Ft. Meade, Maryland censuses now available
Ft. George G. Meade was a US Army military post located southwest of Baltimore in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. It apparently served primarily as a temporary detention site for German, Italian and some Japanese internees before they shipped to other locations. A...
The Diplomat’s Daughter
Tenabe, Karin. Washington Square Press, 2017. Set partially in the Crystal City, Texas Internment Camp, this novel follows the romance of Emi Kato, a Japanese diplomat's daughter, and Christian Lange, a young German from Wisconsin, during their internment and...
New documentary on WWII internment airs
“Camp of the Innocents,” published May 24, 2017 on YouTube, is a documentary film about the Camp Algiers Alien Detention Station in Louisiana (near New Orleans), the Latin American civilians housed there, and the WW II Enemy Alien Control Program. Linked with...
“Detailed official” lists of internees, 1942-43
"Detailed official" lists of people of German ethnicity ordered interned—include name, date and location of birth, address when taken, next of kin and their address, occupation, and place of internment as of a specific date. Most of these internees were from the U.S.,...
Ellis Island petition for release of German civilian internees
A petition was submitted to Congress on January 24, 1947, signed by 156 internees held on Ellis Island, asking for their release, rather than enforced deportation/repatriation to Germany. They requested the same for internees being held in Crystal City and other...
Ellis Island 29 Feb 1944 name list
A three page Immigration and Naturalization Service list of civilian enemy aliens of German ethnicity in custody on Ellis Island, New York Harbor, New York on 29 February 1944. (A few internees of Italian and Japanese ethnicity are included.) NARA, RG 59, State Dept,...
1944 lists of internees held in various detention stations
Following are short lists of internees of German ethnicity held in a variety of internment situations around the country during 1944. The lists include name, sex, age, alien registration number, occupation, country in which they were picked up, and in some cases, next...
Algiers, Louisiana Alien Detention Station featured in documentary
Published May 24, 2017, "Camp of the Innocents" is a documentary film about the Camp Algiers Alien Detention Station in Louisiana (near New Orleans), the Latin American civilians housed there, and the WW II Enemy Alien Control Program. Produced by Jack Collins, Joe...
30 June 1945 Ft. Lincoln census
Ft. Lincoln, Bismarck, North Dakota, the largest WW II internment camp for men in the U.S., housed more than 4000 civilians, mostly of German and Japanese ethnicity, during the war, closing its doors in 1946. This 30 June 1945 census of German Americans and Latin...
Stringtown, OK internment camp rosters and inspection reports now available
31 Aug 1942, 30 Sept 1942, and 1 Dec 1942 rosters of Stringtown internees are now available online, as well as two inspection reports. The first report, dated 25-28 June 1942, was highly critical of the facility and the care inmates were receiving. By 21-23 September,...
Seagoville, TX internment camp inspection reports
During WWII, internment camps in the U.S. were visited periodically by neutral representatives, usually from the International Red Cross, or from Switzerland, acting for German interests, or Spain, overseeing Japanese interests. These representatives were...
Inspection report for Ft. Lincoln, Bismarck, ND, 1945
On October 24-25, 1945, Ft. Lincoln was inspected by Dr. Rudolph Fischer, Swiss Legation representative, and Van Arsdale Turner, Department of State. Activated in 1942 as an internment camp for civilians of Japanese ethnicity, it later became exclusively a camp for...
Seagoville, Texas internment camp census—1943
In 1942, the facilities of Seagoville, formerly a prison, were converted into an internment facility to hold German, Japanese and Italian U.S. resident and Latin American internees. Although it was intended to serve primarily as a facility for families in which both...
Stringtown, OK internment camp rosters online
During the early months of World War II, many internees were sent to the prison in Stringtown, Oklahoma, operated by the U.S. Army. The prison started accepting internees on March 30, 1942. Located four miles north of Stringtown, the camp was previously a sub-prison,...
Three Stringtown, Oklahoma Alien Internment Camp inspection reports
Three Stringtown, Oklahoma, Alien Internment Camp inspection reports are now online. The first, written by Max Habicht, representing the Swiss Legation in charge of German interests, and Whitney Young, Department of State, described a visit from 25-28 June 1942,...
1943, 1944 inspection reports of Sharp Park, CA Alien Detention Camp
On 26 July 1943, Captain Antonio R. Martin, Spanish Vice-Consul at San Francisco, CA, James E. Henderson, representing the Department of State, and A. S. Hudson, Acting District Director of Immigration and Naturalization, San Francisco, CA, visited Sharp Park, CA...
Ellis Island inspection reports on online
Three inspection reports by the International Committee of the Red Cross delegates describe facilities and chronicle life in internment on Ellis Island during 1943-1946. (The last internees, of German ethnicity, were released in 1948.) Although the National Park...
Three inspection reports for the Ellis Island, NY, Internment Camp
Internment camps in the U.S. were periodically inspected by representatives of neutral nations or organizations, to see that facilities were adequate and internees were treated appropriately. In 3 December 1943, Alfred Cardinaux, a representative of the International...
2002 Interview with John Schmitz, former internee
John Schmitz, was born in the Bronx, New York, on October 12, 1936 and interned, with his family, in the Crystal City, Texas, Internment Camp between January 1943 and July 1946. He was interviewed at the Institute of Texas Culture, University of Texas San Antonio on...
S.S. Drottningholm documents available
On July 15, 1942, the S.S. Drottningholm left Pier F, Jersey City, New Jersey bound for Gothenburg, Sweden, where internees were sent on to Germany and Italy, to be exchanged for U.S. citizens. The German American Internee Coalition recently received a number of...
WWII Internment Camp, ‘Camp Algiers’, Louisiana, held Jews, too
WWNO, a radio station in New Orleans, LA, featured the WWII history of Camp Algiers, across the Mississippi River from New Orleans, in a two part podcast. During the WWII years, this facility served as a receiving and detention station for Latin Americans, including...