by GAIC_Admin | Jan 26, 2016 | Crystal City - Texas, Internment Camp Documents, Maps
Crystal City, Texas Family Internment Camp map annotated by former internee Werner Ulrich—includes plot plans, drawings of building types, and location of work areas, as well as lists of internees held in the camp, births, and deaths. There are lists of staff,...
by GAIC_Admin | Oct 27, 2015 | Audio, Video & Radio Interviews
“Lost Voices of Crystal City” from BBC Radio Four by BBC Radio Four. Released: 2004.
by GAIC_Admin | Oct 14, 2015 | Interned After War's End, Real People, US Resident Internees
The Fuhr Family Story My Internment by the US Government By Eberhard E. Fuhr © 2006 My parents, Carl and Anna Fuhr, immigrated to the U.S. in 1927 and 1928. My father came in 1927, and my mother, along with my older brother, Julius and me, immigrated in 1928. We...
by GAIC_Admin | Oct 14, 2015 | Repatriated & Exchanged Families
My name is Bernard Levermann. My parents Kaethe and Bernard emigrated to the US from Northern Germany in the late 1920’s. I was born on June 25th, 1941 at New York Hospital. During World War II my family was interned in Crystal City, Texas. Because I was only a...
by GAIC_Admin | Oct 14, 2015 | Repatriated & Exchanged Families
The Eiserloh Story Mathias and Johanna Eiserloh met in Johanna’s hometown of Idstein, Germany after WWI, where Mathias was a civil engineering student. They shared a dream of emigrating to America and did so in 1922. They brought with them the hopes and dreams held by...