by GAIC_Admin | Aug 18, 2023 | Breaking News, Events
The yearly pilgrimage to Crystal City, Texas, by former internees, their families and friends is planned for October 26-29, 2023. This year’s Pilgrimage theme is “Reaching Across Barbed Wire Fences.” In addition to learning about the unique history and stories of...
by GAIC_Admin | Sep 22, 2022 | Breaking News, Events
An updated version of the “The Enemy Alien Files: Hidden Stories of World War II” exhibit begins its tour at the Angel Island Immigration Museum in San Francisco Bay on October 1, 2022. There will be a panel presentation that day with guest speakers Lawrence...
by GAIC_Admin | May 16, 2022 | Breaking News
The Uvalde Leader-News, a newspaper “Informing Southwest Texas since 1879,” published “Texas visitor recalls war internment” on May 15, 2022 about Werner Ulrich Jr., who, with his family, was interned in the Crystal City, Texas Family Internment Camp...
by GAIC_Admin | May 9, 2022 | Audio, Breaking News
“With Good Reason,” Virginia Humanities Radio, aired an hour-long program called “Legacies of World War II” on May 6, 2022. John E. Schmitz, author of Enemies Among Us, was interviewed in one segment about his family’s three-year...
by GAIC_Admin | Dec 19, 2021 | Breaking News, Tuna Canyon - California
On December 2, 2021, Adam Schiff, a California delegate to the House of Representatives, spoke to the Congressional Record, recognizing the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Tuna Canyon Detention Station in California and commending the Tuna Canyon Detention...
by GAIC_Admin | Nov 22, 2021 | Breaking News
We are so pleased to announce that Sigrid Banzhaf Toye, PhD, has joined our Board. Sigrid’s father, Eugen Banzhaf, was interned for several years during WWII, before being released on parole. She is an educational and behavior therapist in private practice and...