Report on traveling conditions of group of German citizens from Costa Rica, 22 Feb 1943
Report on traveling conditions of group of German citizens from Costa Rica, 22 Feb 1943: from folder 383.7, Camp Crystal City, NARA (exact location is being investigated) — Mention is made of “Negro members of the ship’s personnel” on page 2; that description was not...
1947 U.S. State Department, Immigration & Naturalization letter to Crystal City, TX internee
This 1947 letter to an internee held at Crystal City, TX, offers a thirty day parole from the Camp to prepare to depart the United States.
Schmitz Letters for Immigration
1949-01-28 INS-Schmitz Letter
28 Mar 1944 Letter: Arrival at New Orleans of 540 German and Japanese Internees
Letter to a daughter, from Bismarck, ND, 24 September 1944—Adolf Hamann
Letter to a daughter, from Bismarck, ND, 24 September 1944—Adolf Hamann
Letter to family, San Jose, Costa Rica, 17 July 1942—Starr Pait Gurcke
Letter to family, San Jose, Costa Rica, 17 July 1942—Starr Pait Gurcke
Letter requesting transfer of funds, Kenedy, Texas, 27 May 1942—John Deche
Letter requesting transfer of funds, Kenedy, Texas, 27 May 1942—John Deche Download: Camp Kenedy John Deche ltr
Letter requesting transfer of funds, Kenedy, Texas, 9 July 1942—Enea Carozzi
Letter requesting transfer of funds, Kenedy, Texas, 9 July 1942—Enea Carozzi
Letter to Francis Biddle, Attorney General of the United States, 9 February 1942—Arthur and Margarethe Mayer
Letter to Francis Biddle, Attorney General of the United States, 9 February 1942—Arthur and Margarethe Mayer